2019 is nearly over. In a few weeks, a new decade will begin.
VUE has accomplished a lot over the past ten years. We’ve helped countless fleets reduce their accident rates, become DVS, FORS and CLOCS compliant and have worked with many insurance partners to reduce risk in their fleets and settle claims quickly.
At VUE we’re committed to continuous improvement. We have many exciting things launching in 2020.
Here are just some of the things you can look forward to:
VUEhub Launch

In 2020, we’re very excited to be launching VUEhub, which brings all of our fleet software solutions into one simple portal. With a single-sign in, you’ll be able to access VUEconnected, VUEcloud and VUEanalytics from one place and connect them together to improve your workflow.
When you view footage in VUEconnected, you’ll be able to send it directly into VUEcloud to share with your claims handler with one click, then head over to VUEanalytics to monitor trends and driver behaviour in advanced contextualised reports.
You can also add handy links to other websites and services, and brand the portal exclusively for your company.
Learn more about VUEhub here.
AI to Enhance Automatic FNOL Reporting

Automatic FNOL (First Notification of Loss) helps transfer details of an incident to a claims team quickly, which helps reduce the costs of the claims. However, automatic FNOL alerts can often be ‘false positives’, which happen when enough G-Force is generated to trigger an alert without an accident taking place (e.g. driving over a speed bump).
One false positive may not be a lot, but for 10,000 vehicles, this would mean 10,000 false positives every day.
In 2020, we’re exploring how AI can analyse video footage and identify what is and isn’t an incident to assist claims teams.
You can learn more about the future of FNOL in our video here.
Keeping Your Data Safe

GDPR and data protection is incredibly important to us, as video telematics captures sensitive information and needs to be highly secure. In 2020, as we seek more detailed insights, the need to collect, produce and protect more data will become even greater.
At VUE, we’re dedicated to going above and beyond to protect personal data as much as possible and comply with GDPR. Our Data Protection Team includes a Chief Information Security Officer and Data Protection Officer who ensures that security measures are built into all of our products and processes, and that all staff are fully trained in GDPR and security procedures. In 2020 this will continue to be improved and revised as we set new heights of security.
Learn more about how we protect personal data in this video here.
Diving Deeper Into Data

As we continue to collect greater amounts of data, we want to gain a big-picture view of major trends and detect patterns that will help reduce risk. This is difficult when the volume of data is huge, so we thought it was the perfect time to launch our Data Science Department to thoroughly analyse this data and enhance our existing algorithms.
In 2020, we’ll be rolling out our Driver Behaviour Analysis to determine how driver behaviour is related to the number of accidents that occur. We’ll predict future accident patterns and also link claims data to telematics data to predict how much these future accidents will cost in terms of claims.
Learn more about our Data Science Department and how we’re exploring data here.
The Direct Vision Standard (DVS) Deadline

The Direct Vision Standard (DVS) deadline is coming up on 26 October 2020, when all HGVs over 12 tonnes will require a DVS safety permit to enter or operate in the Greater London area. The DVS deadline has many implications for fleet managers and insurers alike. Insurers can benefit from DVS, as fleets who comply with DVS will have increased driver visibility which decreases the chance of accidents and greatly reduces risk.
Fleet managers will need to check if their vehicles require a ‘Safe System’ to obtain a DVS permit. They’ll need to order their ‘Safe System’ kit by June 2020 at the latest for fitting in August and September. Our advice is to check now and don’t leave it too late!
As the DVS rules will be tightened in 2024, it’s important to consider any vehicles that might still be in your fleet at that time. Our equipment will help your fleet meet the Direct Vision Standard ‘Safe System’ requirements today and the ‘Progressive Safe System’ requirements in 2024 as our technology develops. Our VUEconnected range is also designed to be flexible and include additional safety equipment that will help you reach different levels of compliance with FORS and CLOCS.
Learn more about the DVS and how it will affect you in 2020 here.
Exploring New Technology

Next year, we’ll be bringing you new technology. We’ll be rolling out our Driver Distraction unit which monitors drivers and helps them stay focused on the road. The unit beeps if it spots a driver on their phone, smoking or falling asleep and then sends an alert to the fleet manager. We’ll also be launching a lane departure warning unit for drivers to help with fatigue.
To add to our proximity sensor range, we’ll be launching new technology that differentiates between moving and inanimate objects. Drivers will get a warning if they get too close to a moving object, such as a bike or a pedestrian. This builds upon our current VUEscan ultrasonic technology, which warns drivers when they get too close to any obstacle.
2020 is set to be a big year for us, and we’re ready to start the new decade off with a bang.
We’re excited to continue innovating and improving our software and products and to be at the absolute forefront of the video telematics industry. We can’t wait to see where this new decade leads us, and I’m sure that when 2029 comes, we’ll be reflecting back on a very different landscape.
One thing is for sure, though: whether in 2019 or 2029, VUE will always be leading the way.