As proud Specialist Partner of Aviva…
We’re thrilled to be featured in their ‘Back To Business’ campaign. If you missed it, check out page 27 of Aviva’s ‘Reducing the risks of reopening’ guide which features our new VUEtrack-magnetic tracker, perfect for vehicles that require temporary tracking.
Don’t miss Aviva’s podcast either, where we join them to talk about how vehicle technology can help businesses improve their risk and protect vulnerable road users, as more businesses return to the road post COVID-19.
VUEtrack-magnetic in Aviva’s ‘Back To Business’ Guide
Go to page 27 to learn more about VUEtrack-magnetic, our new tracking unit with long-life battery and a strong magnetic attachment. It’s perfect for vehicles that require temporary tracking including: test-drive vehicles, trailers, high-value equipment and covert vehicle tracking. VUEtrack-magnetic is part of the VUEtrack family, which has a tracker for different vehicles, assets and even people!
‘Driving After COVID-19’ Aviva Podcast 
Michelle Murphy, our Head of Strategic Accounts, joins Aviva to talk about how businesses can safely return to the roads after COVID-19 and using vehicle technology to protect vulnerable road users.
If you’re interested in learning how we can help your clients reduce risk then please get in touch by calling 161 877 2257 or emailing and we’d be happy to chat!