An innovative bridge strike solution that prevents bridge strikes, and collisions with other road height restrictions.


Detects every signed low bridge in the UK

Including other height restrictions such as car park barriers

Comprehensive reporting

View alerts on a map to see an audit of exactly when/where drivers were alerted

Alerts based on Live Drive Time

No excessive alerting when in queues or on motorways

Stop bridge strikes

Around 2000 bridge strikes occur in the UK every year, that's an average of 5 a day. This results in not only huge cost implications, but also significant loss of reputation and even in some cases the loss of a fleet's operating license.

They take place due to poor route planning, distracted drivers, and unknown vehicle heights - all of which are related to human error.

With the Low Bridge Alerting System, no driver input is needed; the driver doesn’t need to know the height of the trailer their tractor is attached to, as it has already been inputted into the alerting system, helping to stop bridge strikes from occurring.

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How does it work?

No driver input needed

No input needed from drivers in-cab, everything is set up at installation

Revolutionary algorithm

False positives are eliminated, giving drivers the confidence to take action when alerted

Easy installation

Remote configuration and adjustable set up for accurate and easy installation


Not only will money be saved through bridge strike prevention, the solution itself is very cost-effective

Suitable for all vehicles

Including tractor and trailer combinations; so no matter the vehicle height, a driver is accurately warned


Comprehensive reporting via VUEhub

See alerts on Trip Replay

Know exactly when/where bridge alerts were triggered along with details on the bridge or road height restriction using the map view.

Visualise alerts on a trip

View the location of the alerts via Street View and access details on driving behaviour to provide additional context e.g., if the driver was exceeding the speed limit.

Downloadable reports

Have a comprehensive audit trail evidencing alerts in a CSV format. 

Successfully trialled with leading provider of supply chain services

XPO Logistics, a leading provider of freight transportation services, has partnered with VUE to trial the Low Bridge Alerting System (LBAS) for commercial transport operations. XPO evaluates the new in-cab truck technology during day and night distribution runs from its Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk depot. UK-based VUE is a specialist innovator of fleet risk management solutions.

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Get in touch with one of our team on 0161 877 2257 or email


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510 Metroplex,
Salford Quays
M50 2UE