Compliance Statement Modern Slavery Act 2015
We confirm that our business is committed to preventing modern slavery both within our business and its supply chains.
We understand that modern slavery refers to the illegal practices of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking this can be inclusive of child labour, domestic servitude, sex trafficking and workplace abuse.
We confirm that we are taking the steps below to prevent slavery within our business and supply chains.
• VUE board are already committed to preventing modern slavery and are confident this does not happen within our business, we do however need to further ensure this in our own supply chain.
• The VUE Quality Manager will be the senior manager responsible for modern slavery and will further develop the corporate policy that covers Modern Slavery.
• VUE will produce an annual statement about the steps it takes to prevent modern slavery within its business and supply chain.
• VUE will produce a mechanism for employees and stakeholders to report concerns or suspected incidences of human trafficking.
• VUE will consider modern slavery as part of its procurement practices and requires suppliers to meet certain best practice obligations to ensure the impact of modern slavery is acknowledged.
• VUE will ensure that the following provisions are considered during supplier audits: Wages, working hours, freedom of association, freedom of movement, freedom of employment, child labour, harsh or inhumane treatment and human trafficking.
These are further evidenced by our Policy and Compliance Statement Modern Slavery Act 2015 VUE-QP-026.
We understand that we may be audited by our customers at any time and compliance with modern slavery commitments is essential to the relationship we have with our customers.
Yours faithfully
Glen Mullins
Managing Director
Dated: 30/09/2024